Friday, February 11, 2011

Just Chilling

Day 90
Originally uploaded by Road2Chaos

I absolutely adore this photo. I had already taken what I had planned to be my 'photo of the day', but when I came around the corner into the lounge after taking Kason into the bathroom for his and Cohen's bath tonight and saw Cohen at the ranchslider like this, I had to grab the camera and I managed to snap this before he noticed I was there.

We had a good day today with Si home for most of it. A friend of my Mum's from her work and his wife are moving to Adelaide this weekend, so we spent the morning getting a few things together for them and doing some grocery shopping for us! I love Fridays, seeings as Simon works alternate Saturdays, they are kinda like our Saturdays...but with the added bonus of not as many people out at the shops! AND I got my Dark Tim Tam chiller from Gloria Jeans...mmm! Makes for a good day, even though Kason and Cohen slept for less than two hours today. Total. Combined. Fun! But they were wearing their new pants, courtesy of me, so at least they were cute not-sleeping boys ;-)


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